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Continuing Education (CE) Requirements

Special AFCNA CE Video Offer

One of the prerequisites in the Certification process is to achieve 25 Continuing Education (CE) hours with topics that are relevant to foot care.  You can use CEs from any provider that has given applicable programs within the last 2 years.

An option or addition to CEs that you may get elsewhere, we have made arrangements to provide relevant CEs at a significantly discounted cost.


Video lessons included in this program offer:

You will have access to ALL OF THEM.
And you can download them and keep them for review in years to come!

        1. Charcot Foot & Peripheral Neuropathy - 1.0CE
        2. Charting is Critical - 1.0CE
        3. Edema, Lymphedema & Compression - 1.5CE
        4. Examination and Care of the High Risk Foot - 2.0CE
        5. Foot Care Pads - Make Your Own! - 1.5CE
        6. Fungus Among-Us - 1.5CE
        7. Gait Examination - 1.5CE
        8. Infection Control in Foot Care 1.0CE
        9. Infection Control During Covid-19  1.5CE
        10. Lower Extremity Physical Examination - 2.0CE
        11. Minor Procedures on Feet & Nails - 2.0CE
        12. Musculoskeletal Problems and Solutions - 1.0CE
        13. Patient Education Resources - 1.0CE
        14. Pedal Dermatology - 2.0CE
        15. Routine Foot Care Case Studies - 1.5CE
        16. Routine Visit - Care Essentials - 1.5CE
        17. Shoes, Socks and Inserts for High Risk Feet - 1.5CE
        18. Wound Care Fundamentals - Part One - 1.5CE
        19. Wound Care Fundamentals - Part Two - 1.0CE
        20. Antiseptic choices in Routine Foot Care - 2.0CE
        21. What's in that Cream? - 1.5CE

TOTAL = 31.00 Nursing CEs

  • All of these programs are prepared and presented by Dr. Julia Overstreet.
  • She presents current, in depth information.
  • You will be able to download all videos and keep them in your permanent collection.


Purchased separately this
is a $785.00 value.

This package offer gives you ALL OF THEM

CFCS Package price - $ 275.00!!!


Go here for more information and
to register for this CE Package:

American Foot Care Nurses Association
15731 NE 8th St #7029     Bellevue, WA 98008-4538
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