AFCNA is a dynamic professional nursing organization dedicated to the mission of caring for our wonderful seniors and supporting the education, research, and scholarly endeavors of Foot Care nurses.
Joining AFCNA provides outstanding networking opportunities, education and CEUs,current information on legislation affecting nurses, and most of all, membership in a group of dedicated to Foot Care Nurses who understand and support what you do and why you do it every day.
Membership Benefits Include:
AFCNA Website:
AFCNA’s website is a place where you can find up-to-date information on AFCNA’s many programs and activities, including:
- AFCNA Educational Webinars.
- AFCNA position papers.
- How to register for the Annual and Regional Meetings.
- How to participate in membership campaigns.
- PowerPoint presentations from AFCNA conference speakers.
- Contact information for AFCNA Board Members.
- AFCNA history and a much more.
Annual National & Regional Meetings
AFCNA’s National and Regional Meetings present the opportunity for members and nonmembers to meet with colleagues across the nation, share and exchange professional ideas and experiences, and attend educational sessions with nationally recognized speakers. The meetings are also an excellent introduction to the health care industry’s latest pharmaceutical, educational and software innovations. Poster presentations offer members an opportunity to showcase initiatives at their facilities. AFCNA members receive continuing education credits (CEs) for attending these programs.
AFCNA Foot Care Nurse Certification
Certified Foot Care Specialist C.F.C.S.
Demonstrate your dedication, training and experience to colleagues, clients and your local medical community
AFCNA Educational Webinars
Earn CEs while attending AFCNA educational webinars.
AFCNA News Electronic Newsletter
AFCNA News keeps you informed of AFCNA activities and is an excellent source of information on national health care policy, internal Foot Care issues and their effect on the nursing field.
AFCNA on-line Conversation Forum Go to:
Communicate with other foot care nurses Nationwide. Discuss important topics:
- Fees, Charges, Billing
- Supplies, Instruments, Equipment
- Foot Pathologies and Case Studies
- Infection Control
- Marketing Your Practice
- Education, Resources, Certification
- State Laws and Requirements
- Insurance and Legal Issues