May 2022
We've continued to present the monthly Webinars. They will always be on the second Thursday of every month. The time is always 3:00 - 5:00 pm Pacific Time.
If you would like to receive email invitations each month, email me at: Just say "Please add me to the webinar invitation list".
Dr. Julia

Free Foot Care Nursing CE Program
Virtual Meetings & CE Programs!!
Because we are all locked at home now... let's use the time productively!!
We have started virtual (on-line) events. We have been honored by
all of the foot care providers who have joined us.
These are all free.

These are all free.
"Toe Pads & Shoe Inserts"
Learn to make custom devices!
2.0 Nursing CEs awarded for attendance
September 17, 2020 3:00 PM Pacific Time
Information covered:
Many of our clients have bunions, hammertoes, plantar calluses, etc.
There are many retail pads and insoles to help them. But they can be expensive and hard to find. And do they really fit exactly the way your client needs them to? We'll explain the options and watch demonstrations on pads and custom insoles that you can make yourself from scratch in just a few minutes!!
Registration Here:
Webinar ID

Web Page with previous program videos and handouts
April 30, 2020
Virtual Meetings & CE Programs!!
Because we are all locked at home now... let's use the time productively!!
We have started virtual (on-line) events. We began a few weeks ago and attendance has grown to over 200 participants for each event!
These are all free. We will be holding them every two weeks for the foreseeable future. We will email links to everyone on our Foot Care Nurse contact list. If you're not receiving those email invitations, we will post them on the homepage. You can use those links to register. After your first attendance, you will be included on the list to receive email invitations. You can always "Unsubscribe" if you wish to stop receiving them. But why would you?! We have fun and we're learning a lot!!!
Take care and stay safe!
Dr. Julia

April 20, 2020
1,644 Members!
As you know... we were forced to cancel our National Conference in April due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is rescheduled for March 19 - 20, 2021. It will be held at the same location in Minnesota. We will be posting the event for registration in January 2021.

December 6, 2019
Second Annual
National Foot Care Nurse's Conference
Minneapolis, Minnesota
April 3-4, 2020
Click Here for Info!!

October 1, 2019
1,613 Members!
It's been a great year! We had 100 nurses at our First National Foot Care Conference! It was held at a beautiful location near Minneapolis, Minnesota. We were astonished at the energy and excitement of these 100 fantastic, dedicated nurses!! And we're excited to start planning for the 2020 National Conference.
Now we're in the process of starting State Chapters of AFCNA. Go to this page to learn about it!

February 6, 2019
1,406 Members!! - Happy 2019!!
And we're planning our first National Foot Care Conference!!!
It's set for April 26th & 27th near Minneapolis, Minnesota.
We're so excited to bring foot care nurses from around the country together for the first time!
Check it out here:
September 1, 2018
We've reached 1,303 Members!!!
That's an amazing milestone. We look forward to
increasing professional awareness and training opportunities.
Onward & Upward!!
January 18, 2018
Our New Look!!
We wanted to start the new year with a bright new look!
Let us know what you think.
And please let us know any problems, typos or suggestions for content!
Happy New Year!!
November 25, 2017
Now up to 132
Certified Foot Care Nurses - CFCS!!!
Membership is now 1,185!
Happy Holidays to Everyone!!!
July 27, 2017
We just awarded the
112th Certified Foot Care Nurse - CFCS !!!
And our Membership is up to 1,059!!
April 15, 2017
We just topped $1,000 Members!!!!!!
March 15, 2017
Now we have 981 Members and
94 Certified Foot Care Specialists - CFCS!!!
We've completed our work on Malpractice Insurance options specific for us. We'll be posting that information soon.
We're upgrading the look and "ease of use" of our Blog - We've had so much activity that we need to organize the entries into topics for easy searching. Lots of good information from your colleagues around the world!
We're collecting scope of practice information from State Nursing Boards around the country. We're also looking for any Boards that have issued policies or statements specifically about Foot Care Nursing. If you have any information to add to the project, please let us know!
Lots more happening soon!!! Until then ... Keep Clipping!!
December 15, 2016
We now have 934 Members and
72 CFCS Certified Foot Care Nurses!
May 25, 2015
We're busy here! Our biggest projects are arranging for specialty malpractice insurance for self employed foot care nurses.
Our second project is putting together a series of educational webinars. Our members are spread out all over the country (Plus Canada & Australia!). It's hard to get together for a conference so we thought webinars might be the answer. We're shooting for the end of June. You'll get an email with the details one the program is in place.
Until then ..... Keep Clipping!!!
April 27th
Now up to 498 Members!!!!
February 23, 2015
We're now up to 483 members!!!
We want to start having local meetings. Are you in an area with other foot care nurses? Let me know and I will help you arrange a regular meeting program. We are starting in Seattle and Portland next month. So if you are in those areas, contact me to be included in the invitation list.
I'm currently working with several nursing malpractice carriers to get us a good policy at a fair price. Keep watching for updates!!Together we can make a bigger difference!
Together we can make a bigger difference!
January 15, 2015
We've reached a milestone! As of this morning...
We have 406 Members!!
The members are in the US, Canada and Australia. This is absolutely AMAZING!
Our next step is to be in better contact with each other. We have several new ways to do that.
1.) Our new blog is at
2.) A new page on this Association website is "Members Experiences." It's a place for you to post stories about building your business, providing patient care, suggestions on resources. We all need to work together. So post your stories for all to learn from.
3.) Were also going to begin regional meetings now. We will begin in the Seattle and Portland area since that is our highest density of footcare nurses. But we want to start them across the country. So if you're in an area with a number of nurses, email me and let's discuss starting a monthly meeting in your area.
We're definitely off and running for the new year!
January 2, 2015!!!
Happy New Year!
The beginning of a great new year! Lots of changes for the Association. The most exciting is our new Blog!
December 22, 2014
Christmas week!!
This is a great time to offer foot care to those in need. Check with your local church, shelter, or homeless encampment. You still need malpractice insurance and you need to chart your care. But there's no greater gift than pain free walking and a little pampering!!! Merry Christmas!!
December 10, 2014
Happy Holidays!!!
I've posted new info on the blog/forum. Check it out and add your comments.
July 25, 2014
I've listed the best books (in my opinion!) to review for the WOCN certification test.
They are also GREAT resources to help you be the best foot care provider ever!!! I've listed them in my order preference. You can click on the red text above to go there.
Enjoy! Dr. Julia
Looking for an opportunity to expand your business with your existing patient base? Priority Footwear & Pedorthic Services is a credentialed and accredited Northwest Durable Medical Equipment (DME) company that has partnered with a number of foot care nurses to help provide Therapeutic Footwear & Inserts for their Diabetic patients.
Want to learn more?
Please call Dave Reimann at 503-524-9656 or Sandi Haugstad at 425-446-2417.

"CareDay", Bothell High School, August 15.
For more info see: Please email me if you're interested in foot washing at this event for those experiencing homelessness in the Northshore community.
Emily Austin -
And see more practice opportunities on the "Pay it Forward" tab!!