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Certification Requirements


  1. Continuing Education Requirement:  Completion of at least 25 CEs in programs directly
    related to Foot Care. Completed within the 24 month period prior to application.

  2. Hands-on Foot Care Training:  Completion of 30 hours of direct Hands-on patient foot care.

  3. This can be verified by either one of the three methods below: 
    A. Podiatrist Proctor - Any licensed Podiatrist can train and proctor in these skills. 
    B. Certified Foot Care Nurse Proctor - Nurses with CFCN (WOCN) or CFCS (AFCNA).
    C. Portfolio Presentation - We know that some Applicants have been practicing foot care for many years.  
    They may not need additional clinical (hands-on) training.  Therefore, we are allowing an alternative method of completing the Hands-on training prerequisite. This method is only available to experienced Foot Care Nurses who are currently in practice.  If you are an experienced Foot Care Provider, This may be a good option for you. See below for specifics required for this portfolio presentation.
  4. Current Healthcare licensure verification:

Important Info:

  • You are not limited in the programs that you choose to fulfill the Lecture and Hands-on Foot Care Training requirements.
  • There is a partial list of available foot care education programs on the "Forms & Resources" tab.
  • Any Lecture program that awards Continuing Education Credits and any qualified Hands-on proctor is acceptable.

Continuing Education (CE) Requirements
Twenty-five (25) hours of CE education.  

There is a "Continuing Education Verification Form" which must be completed. The CE Certificates from each program must be attached to the Verification Form. Programs must have been completed within 24 months prior to the date of Application. 

***Program topics must be relevant to the foot and lower extremity.

Examples of acceptable topics:

  • Anatomy & physiology of the foot and lower extremity
  • Physical examination of the foot and lower extremity
  • Lower Extremity Neuro, Vascular, Derm and Musculoskeletal physical exam findings and treatment options
  • Common foot pathologies: How to diagnose and treat
  • Wound Care
  • Infection control & cross-contamination
  • Patient education regarding diabetic and "high risk" foot care
  • Other CE programs relevant to care of the feet and lower extremity

Programs formats can include:

  • Live seminars/presentations
  • Video (previously recorded) lectures
  • On-line and  Distance Learning Programs

All programs must qualify to award
Nursing Continuing Education (CE).

You must attach a copy of your
CE Certificate of Completion with your Application Package. 


You may use any qualifying CE. 
But below is a link to qualifying CE videos from Dr. Julia Overstreet if you would like to view those.


Hands-on / Practical
Foot Care Training

Thirty (30) hours of proctored Hands-on training is required when applying for the CFCS Certification.

The Applicant must complete thirty hours of proctored hands-on nail and callus care.  The Proctor must be a Podiatrist,  a Certified Foot Care Nurse (CFCN) or a Certified Foot Care Specialist (CFCS). This experience is hands-on by the applicant.  It should be supervised by the Proctor but the Applicant must personally perform the foot care on the patient/client.

If you are already an experienced foot care provider, you can meet this prerequisite by preparing a portfolio of 10 cases that you have recently treated.  This Portfolio presentation method is only available to experience Foot Care Providers.

If you are being proctored, the Podiatrist, CFCN or CFCS must complete the "Preceptor/Proctor Verification Form"  and provide the original to the Applicant upon completion. The required forms are available for download.

If you are using the Portfolio alternate method of satisfying the Hands-on training requirement, Applicant will be required to submit the "Practice Portfolio Form" with their application. The required forms are available for download.

Download from this link:

Portfolio Forms

Successful Completion of Examination

**Upon Review and Acceptance of Application Package you will
receive an email with on-line testing instructions.

  1. Complete the CFCS Competency Exam on-line with a passing score is 70% or better.
  2. The test is online and is electronically (AI) proctored. 
  3. You will have 2 opportunities to take and pass the Exam.
  4. The test is time limited and must be completed within 120 minutes
  5. Upon passing, you will be able to immediately download your Certificate
  6. You can immediately use the credentials CFCS after your name and other medical credentials
  7. A Formal, numbered Certificate will be mailed to you
  8. CFCS certification is valid for five years.



    American Foot Care Nurses Association
    15731 NE 8th St #7029     Bellevue, WA 98008-4538
    Copyright 2012-2024 - All Rights Reserved

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