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Minor Procedures on Feet and Nails - 2.0 CE Credits

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Minor Procedures on Feet and Nails - 2.0 CE Credits While some of my viewers don't have a scope of practice to perform some of these foot care procedures, this course is intended to educate everyone on some of there common procedures that are performed in general podiatry. For each of the procedures covered we'll discuss diagnosis of the condition, common pitfalls, and more. By the end of this course, all of those who practice foot health care will have a better understanding of common procedures and how they can benefit patients who present with certain conditions. Minor Procedures on Feet and Nails Contents Procedures common to foot care and performed by nurse practitioners, podiatrists and other physicians are covered in this program Procedures include: local anesthesia injections, corticosteroid injections, skin biopsies, wart treatment and excision, matrixectomy, nail avulsion While foot care nurses may not perform these procedures, it is an excellent idea for them to be familiar with the procedures so that they can understand and can be helpful to their patients by recommending and describing the procedures when indicated Course Objectives Understand the distribution of nerve pathways in the foot in order to choose the right location for a local anesthetic injection Understand the physiology of problems such as plantar fasciitis and Morton's neuroma in order to understand the appropriate injection sites for steroid injections Describe the proper way to do a digital block for procedures such as Matrixectomies, ingrown toenail removal Explain various treatments for plantar warts, including liquid nitrogen, curettage, and excision Explain various methods for skin biopsy including excisional biopsy, shave biopsies, punch biopsy Describe the procedure to perform a full or partial matrixectomy

American Foot Care Nurses Association
15731 NE 8th St #7029     Bellevue, WA 98008-4538
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