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Infection Control in Foot Care - 1.0 CE Credits

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Infection Control in Foot Care - 1.0 CE Standard precautions and personal protection equipment Blood & body fluid precautions, contact precautions, airborne precautions and droplet precautions Centers for Disease Control recommendations for foot care instrument cleaning Protocols for cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing instruments and equipment Types of products used for intermediate and high level disinfection of foot care instruments Checklist for instrument cleaning to ensure effective sterilization and disinfection Unacceptable methods of disinfection and sterilization for foot care instruments Cross contamination issues related to foot soaks Literature involving respiratory hazards from toenail sanding dust Objectives of this Continuing Education Video Course Discuss the disinfection and sterilization recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control relative to instrument used in routine foot care Discuss the steps and processes in cleaning and appropriately disinfected instruments and equipment used in routine foot care Discuss effective and ineffective methods of disinfection and sterilization Describe the issues of personal protection related to the dust which can be caused by mechanical sanding of toenails Discuss methods that can be used to protect the patient and the foot care nurse from respiratory issues during sanding of thickened toenails

American Foot Care Nurses Association
15731 NE 8th St #7029     Bellevue, WA 98008-4538
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